Well, he finally is here! My new baby brother, Miles Christopher Simonsen. He weighed 7 lb. 6 oz. and was 20" long. He has a long torso and “monkey arms” as my dad likes say since he himself has “monkey arms”. He is very cute, I must say. I love him very much and always watch out for him. I liked to point out where his eyes, nose, and mouth are for Mom and Dad. I will post this one for now, but I guess Mom has more photos (go figure) but this post would only allow this many. So bye for now, but I’ll be sure to have her put the other photos up shortly.
The photos here are Mom and Miles shortly after he was born, Daddy, me and Miles in the second photo. The third one is me with my Elmo that Mom and Dad gave me as a gift at the hospital. Then Grandpa Mike and Gamma Ginny are in the last photos. Long story short, Gamma Ginny ended up spraining her ankle the night that she left to go home on Sat. night. Hope you are feeling better Gamma Ginny. I miss you and thanks for playing with me and for my book!