Entry from Mom:
So Miles had the pleasure of meeting Great-Grandma Shirley and the Hurd family as mentioned in the previous blog entry. The first photo is Miles from today, smiling. He sure is a happy baby today and is cooing/talking so much lately...of course because Mom goes back to work on Monday already! I am looking forward to going back, getting back to the routine of working and all, but I sure am going to miss my baby, being with him all day, every day since his birth!
Sophia is now in her toddler bed. She does okay with that as far as sleeping in there, but getting her down for bedtime is another story. We are dealing with the typical terrible twos but she still brings joy and love to our hearts...even the moments when she hits, smacks, scratches, screams, yells, cries, etc. The times that she gives you those hugs and kisses and the “sorry Momma” make up for the moments that you are angry at her for her behavior. I just keep reminding myself at least we only have ONE two year old and not like three or four of them at once! She's been at her new daycare now since May 5th. She really enjoys it there and has many friends. She comes home with the most unique art projects and is so proud of them. Her language skills have just exploded in the last month. It is so fun to hear her put sentences together. My new favorite is when we ask what her brother’s name is and her response is Miles with a bit of a southern drawl and an O added to the end “MileOs.”