A wild night at the Simonsen's - well not exactly. The Minnesota Wild played Vancouver tonight and lost. Bummer. Miles is growing so fast and he is just a genuine happy baby. He loves to have his diaper changed or have a change of clothes. He just belts out this big belly laugh every time.
Sophia is doing great. She manages to escape all photo opts possible. She really loves her daycare. There have been times we are on our way home and she'll recognize the corner for Lisa's and she'll ask to go there. Last weekend we went to church, Chris dropped her off in the church daycare and she screamed bloody murder. Well, she calmed down the moment he left. We left church and she screamed, "I want to go back there!" That following Tuesday, I was on my way home from the gym with her and she wanted to go to church. :) Yeah, she likes the gym as well. Dr. Laura would be horrified if she knew I had my daughter in three different daycares.