Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas on the farm.

Miles finally got a red tractor!
Opening all those presents was too exhausting for Miles. 

More Christmas

Uncle Brad and me
Even Stimpy got a gift for Christmas 
Miles and his preppy sweater
My Christmas dress that Dad bought for me
Daddy and his kids
More photos from Christmas.
Aunt Candi and Miles
Aunt Rachael and Miles 
Great Grandma Shirley and Miles
Me and cousin Jacob eating spaghetti 
My Buckass sweatshirt

So here are a few photos from Christmas in Iowa. I had a lot of fun with everyone and I received a lot of presents and so did Miles. It's good that he likes to share. :) There are some more photos I need to add yet. 

Mom's trip to California!

Poinsettia tree in San Diego
Big Bear Lake
Mom and Aunt Candi's friend Mark
Mom and Aunt Candi at Wilson Creek Winery

So Mom got to spend a few days in California to visit Aunt Candi out in California. She got to visit some wineries, fly Mark's airplane and visit Big Bear Mountain, and do some shopping. She also got to check out Candi and Mark's shop and do a little work there too. They own an embroidery/screen printing/trophy/misc. shop. Mom said is was neat to see what they all do. She had really nice weather there 70s and even 80s and she came home to snow, wind, freezing rain, and two days after being back from California, the temp dropped down to -22 degrees!  

Baking Christmas cookies with Daddy

Me and my daddy!
Add some of this and a little of that...
Baking cookies is tiring!

So back in the beginning of December, Daddy and I baked cookies all day. Man is that a job! I had a lot of fun and so did Daddy. I think he wants to make make sure we do this together every Christmas. This year I got to take a nap while he and Mom did the clean up. Well, I have some more photos and entries I want to add, so I am going to end this one here. 

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Making my list...

Oh, what do I want...
There are so many toys out there! I kept telling Mom and Dad, "I want this" and "I want that" and they kept saying something like, "well, you better let Santa know." I think he's the guy who made me cry last year when Mom threw me on his lap! 
Yeah, yeah, I hair is in my eyes, and Mom has about given up on this whole "growing out the bangs." She gets pretty irritated with me when I keep taking out my barrettes or hair clips, headbands, or pony tails out.

Des Moines and my friend Addison

Cousin Ashley and me swimming in Des Moines, Iowa
A rare sight on camera, but Mom got me to smile for the camera.
My friend Addison and me playing in my tent. 
The race is on!
 My brother at least likes to smile for the camera. 

So it's been awhile since this blog has had any attention. We went down to Des Moines Iowa for a Bunt family gathering. My Aunt Candi, Uncle Brad, and Papa Bunt ran the Fun Run at Living History Farms. Every finished the 7 mile race. Brad lost to Candi by one minute. 
My friend Addison and her parents came to visit us last weekend on Sunday. I had a lot of fun with her. We played in my tent, sang songs, and had races with the horse and popper - I told her not to drink and drive at the same time!