Miles being nebbed.
Miles falling asleep during his nebulization.
Woof! Woof! 
Me actually half-way smiling for Mom and the camera.
So last week on Friday my mom got called from work to come and pick up Miles from daycare. He had a high temperature and a bad cough. Mom decided to take him to the doctor. He has RSV. He has to have these nebulization treatments every five to six hours until he gets better. So today Mom got another phone call from daycare. This time it was me. I was the one with the fever and not eating well or playing all that much at daycare. Back at the doctor's office. I got to stand on this scale and I now weigh 26 pounds and I am 33 1/3" tall. Doctor looked in my ears and my throat. We then went to this lab room and this nurse asked if she could see my pretty teeth. The mean woman then stuck a swab down my throat and made me gag. Tested negative for strep. I still got some medicine because of my fevers and cough and with my brother being sick too. We all hope to get healthy soon. Mom is sooooo tired of this passing back and forth of colds, flu, and whatever else seems to appear. Hope all of you are healthy!