So, it’s been awhile since I’ve last blogged. I’ve been pretty busy with coloring, playing outdoors when it’s nice outside, and having some fun with my brother Miles. He’s getting big...Mom can’t get over the fact that her “baby” will be two years old in June and that her “first, real baby” will be four in July!
I like playing with my dolls and dollhouse, coloring, playing in my play tent (when it’s up), and reading books with my mom and dad; sometimes singing along with some of the books. But my favorite thing to do is puzzles. I think I need some more “advanced” puzzles because what I have now, the puzzles are pretty easy. I help out my brother sometimes. He’s finally starting to like puzzles somewhat too.
Miles LOVES to watch the construction that is happening next door to us. We are getting new neighbors and there is a huge house being built. Miles loves to watch the skid loader, tractors, trucks, and pretty much anything that moves and makes noise. His favorite books are the the ones about tractors, trucks, airplanes, boats, fire engines, and street sweepers. He also likes his farm animals book. He’s talking a lot right now. A lot of times he repeats a lot of what I say. He can be pretty funny sometimes. A while back he ran up to a ball and said, Eddy, Shit, Go! Not sure why, but mom and dad found that to be hilarious.
Well, I better sign off. I have a big trip coming up here tomorrow. I have to go to my daycare Lisa’s and then after Lisa’s we are driving to Iowa to see my Gamma Ginny, Gampa Mike, and my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I am sooooo excited. I will attach some photos from the past couple months. Mom took one of Miles and I in the bathtub tonight.