Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Mommy!

Mommy's flowers from me, Miles, and Daddy, oh and Stimpy too!
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...
Annual Mother's Day lunch
My mommy had a very nice Mother's Day. The morning started with going to church. I got to sing You Are My Sunshine to her. Mom and Dad sat up front so I did see how proud she was of me. We then went into St. Cloud to have lunch at Grizzly's. I ate all of my mac-n-cheese and fruit and even ate some of Miles' mac-n-cheese. We did some shopping and then went home where all of us (except for Daddy of course) took a nap. Daddy then made his famous homemade pizza for Mommy. I ate a lot of pizza. Mom thinks I must be growing through a growth spurt. Happy Mother's Day Mommy! I'm so happy you are my mommy!

Wedding bells are ringing

Cory Mark and Jen Thomas
My Daddy, Miles, Me, and Mommy
Miles and his big boo-boo.
Uncle Cory and his pink socks
puuuuuu! :)
Last Friday morning me and the fam made our way down to Spencer Iowa for my mom's cousin's wedding - Cory Mark. He married Jen, a very nice girl and pretty bride. It was a beautiful wedding. Uncle Cory wore pink cancer socks (and pink suspenders) in support of his fight for pancreatic cancer. He's a tough one and cancer has no chance with him! It was a fun night...except for maybe Miles. Us kids were all running around and he smacked right into a chair. The chair won. He got a pretty big goose egg on his forehead. He was even bleeding! Aunt Rachael looked at it and said to Mommy to keep an eye on him for the next 24 hours. 20 minutes later, Miles was running around (again) with cousins and other kids and ran into a wall and got a bloody nose. Daddy and Mommy were ready to call it a night after all that chaos. It was a night full of fun with family and friends. Thanks Cory Mark and Jen for the invite!