Last weekend Mom, I, and Miles went to Iowa. Mom had her 15 year class reunion so we made the trip down. We had a lot of fun. We got to go and watch Ryan play football. It was sooooo cold that morning. Last time we went to watch him it was sooooo hot that we used our umbrellas for shade. They lost the game but put up a good fight.
Grandpa Mike started a campfire for us. That was so fun to watch the fire, sitting on his lap with Miles. It was a perfect night for a fire - cool but sitting next to the fire kept you warm.
When Mom returned from her class reunion she went in to check on Miles. He was sleeping in the office on a trundle bed. She found him half on the trundle and kneeling over on the bed. She snapped a photo - because she's always taking pictures and catching those photo moments! I do have to say, she caught a good one here. :)