So my brother turned one on Friday, the 5th but we had his birthday party on Saturday. Family and a few friends were able to attend. It was a cool, rainy day so we spent the afternoon indoors with a Minnesota Twins themed party. It was a good party. Dad made ham, pasta salad, and potato salad. My mom made popcorn, cause that was the easiest. The cake was delicious. I devoured that in no time and wanted some more. Miles wasn't too sure about the cake at first but realized pretty quickly how good it actually is. He LOVES balloons. The red, blue, white balloon bouquet with the Minnesota Twins balloon was his favorite. He pretty much had a death grip on that one the whole day. Mom tried to take it away a few times and he squawked at her to let her know he was mad! Thank you everyone for a great party. Mine is coming up...just a little over a month away! Yeah!

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