The wedding was absolutely beautiful. My Aunt Candi was such a beautiful bride and I was a pretty flower girl. My cousin Jakey was a handsome ring bearer. My mom was also part of the wedding, she along with my Aunt Kerry and Aunt Rachael were bridesmaids. Everybody looked so nice.
On Friday, the day before the wedding, we all got to go to Disneyland! I had so much fun there. Thank goodness Mommy and Daddy were so smart to bring the umbrella strollers! My favorite part was probably Buzz Lightyear's Laser Tag ride- that's is where I saw monsters! We still went on it twice though. We also got to ride in a submarine to find Nemo. I did see him, his dad, and Dori. I also got to take my photo with Mickey and Goofy. I keep asking Mom when do we get to go back to Disneyland? By the time we got back on the highway to head back to the hotel, I was OUT. I was so tired.
On Sunday, my mom, dad, Miles, and I went to the ocean. Mom kept telling me it's like a very, very big pool. It was amazing! My mommy and I decided to take off our shoes and socks and roll up our jeans and get our toes wet. Wow, the waves just came crashing into us and I got a little more wet than I really wanted too.
Monday was our flight back home. We got onto the plane where the weather outside in L.A. was almost 70 degrees. We were in the back of the plane and I yelled, "But I don't wanna go back home!" Everyone around us chuckled. I don't know why they were laughing. Who really wants to go back to weather that was barely reaching above 0?!
I better sign off now. I'll post some photos along with this journal entry. Enjoy!
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