This entry will be written by Mom herself this time. What amazement I feel each and everyday. Celebrating this past Sunday Mother's Day was so much fun and such a delight. We all went to church and out to lunch. Sophia and I took a nap. We all then went to the park in our neighborhood and had a nice home cooked meal. It was a very nice, blessed day. To think that in just over 3 weeks now, I will be a mother of two! We are very excited and anticipating what he will look like, how big he will be, if he will have hair (curly or peach fuzz), etc.
Well, a big part of the weekend was Saturday afternoon. The Simonsen family FINALLY purchased a new vehicle. It was over due, needless to say. Our car reached over 170,000 miles and our truck is just 200 miles shy of turing over to 200,000 miles. With gas prices on the rise and the new addition coming soon, we decided that a Chevy Equinox Sport would be a perfect fit for our family. We had dropped Sophia off at Aunt Jaime and Uncle Aaron's house so that we could do this car shopping. We then had dinner at their house. I was wondering why Sophia didn't have much of an appetite. I guess she did have quite a few crackers, but until I got home and checked my email, the photo says it all...(the one with Uncle Aaron here on this blog entry). I was told they had to coax Sophia back into the house (from being outside) with ice cream. She had a lot of fun and even helped take care of baby cousin Tessa.
Well, that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing good.
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