Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My little brother's arrival date! Oh, yeah the weekend too.

Jacob and a big smile.                       "Bottoms up, Couz"

        Holy cow Dad!                                  Hello, kitty!

There's been a lot going on lately. I started my new daycare on Monday. It has taken some adjusting, but I think I am going to be okay at Lisa's. She's really nice and fun to play with. I love it when we get to go outside. 
Monday was also a big day for Mom and Dad. Mom had a doctor appointment to find out when my baby brother will be born. The date is set...he will be born on Thursday, June 5th, sometime in the morning. I can't wait to meet him. I give him kisses and say "hi baby brother!"
This past weekend, I got to go and see Gramma Ginny and Grammpa Mike and my cousins in Iowa. I had a lot of fun and even got to play with Gamma's dog Chewy. Then on Sunday afternoon Mom and I picked up Dad at the farm and saw Gramma and Papa Simonsen. There I went and saw the cows (they kinda smell) and then Dad took me to see the baby kittens who were about 5 weeks old. They were really cute but man do they ever have tiny sharp claws!
That's all for now. I hope you are enjoying my "blogging" and seeing the photos. Mom said that sometime she'll try and venture the video part of this blog site. Have a nice rest of the week!

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