Outfit from Great-Grandma Thomas.
Tessa, Great-Grandma Mathiowetz, Miles, and me.
My brother and I getting our baths.
Artist in the future making.
Last weekend was a trip down to the farm. Dad had his class reunion so we made the trip down. Things are going pretty good. Mom and Dad say I am behaving a lot better these days. Bedtime for me is going way better than it was about a month ago. My brother Miles is growing so big. We had our photo taken with Great-Grandma Mathiowetz and cousin Tessa. Tessa is so much fun. I can't wait for her to run around with me! My Mom's good friend from college, LeeAnn and her family got me an easel for my birthday. I love to play with it and like to draw pictures for my Mom and Dad.
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