Well, Miles and I had his two-month appointment this morning. He now weighs in at 11 lbs. and 5 oz. (50%) and is 23 1/4" tall (75%). His head also measured at 75%tile. He was all smiles for Dr. Spaulding and did some good cooing for her. She was very impressed with his ability of already rolling over because he did it right there for her on the exam table. I had told her earlier that he had rolled over a few times at home and at daycare. He was such a trooper when he had to get his four shots! He only wailed for about 30 seconds and then he was back to smiling. He has been a pretty good sleeper today.

Sophia had her very first Corvette ride this morning. She went to Spicer with her dad and Grandma Simonsen picked her up for a weekend on the farm. So, for those of you wondering...the Corvette does not a have front passenger air bag. Still probably not the brightest idea on our part, but then again we are not your typical first time parents either.
Hope everyone is good and I will try my best to keep updating this blogsite, excuse me...Sophia will do her best at keeping up with this blogsite! ;)
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