Thursday, March 26, 2009

Humor in the mind of a 2 1/2 year old

Journal entry from Mom. 
So my mom and my grandma are up visiting and taking care of the baby goats for a couple of days. Spending some good quality time playing, eating, spoiling, and laughing. 
Tonight we were all hanging out in the basement. I was asking the typical questions to Sophie..."how was your day? What did you have for lunch? What did you, Great-Grandma, and Grandma do today?"
And here is how one particular conversation went. 
Me, "Sophie, what time did you get up this morning?" 
Sophie, looking right at me with those big brown eyes, "Great-Grandma woke me." 
Me, "Great-Grandma woke you up?" 
"Yeah. Great-Grandma woke me." 
Great-Grandma butts in, "No I didn't." And she just broke into a tearful laugh, as did my mom. I too had a pretty good giggle going. Which Sophie totally ate up. 
Here's the kicker. I had already known that my grandma went to check on her this morning and she had said that Sophie was already awake (with a loaded diaper). She was just standing on the edge of her bed waiting for someone to come and get her. 
As I re-read this, I can't seem to put into words how funny the moment really was. Precious times like that I just wish I could record in my memory bank forever. Too bad we didn't at least have the video camera going. I guess there will be many more moments to soak in and treasure.  

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Just another day...

Miles sporting a mohawk. 
Me crawling around, trying to teach Miles how to do it right. 

So today (and yesterday) was finally a nice day for a wagon ride. My mom and dad took Miles and I for a walk around the neighborhood. Man were there a lot of people out enjoying the weather, just like we were. I ran into my friend Joanna and her mom wants us to get together sometime soon. We got home and Mom took off Miles' hat and his hair was so funny!  
Yesterday my mom's friend Katie came over for a visit and to go for a walk. I kept asking where Brent was. Brent and Katie are married. I like Brent, he's so tall and he flies me up in the air. 
My brother is doing good. He flops around like a fish to get to his toys. Still not quite crawling, but his fish flopping gets him to where he needs to go. Mom keeps telling Daddy, I can't believe that Miles is going to be one year old pretty soon. Ohhh I love birthday parties! 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tough day on the job...

Sohie and Derek watching The Count
Gotta love the two heads peaking just above the couch.
Do these shoes make my feet look big? 
Trying to get my filthy coat off.
And my really filthy snowpants. 

So I had so much fun at daycare today. Mom came to pick me up and my snowpants were no longer pink...they were covered in MUD, so were my mittens and coat.
Last weekend I got to play with my friend Derek. His mom and dad are good friends with my mom and dad. We stayed at this nice house on Gull Lake in Brainerd. Derek and I watched Sesame Street, read books, made towers, and ran around the house.
My little brother is much better after dealing with his RSV and then an ear infection. He's back to smiling, giggling, and trying to crawl. 
Well, I better go now.