Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our birthday party!

My Barbie cake - so delicious!
Miles birthday cake - a tractor getting the field ready for planting.
My very first Barbie doll! So excited!

Miles opening one of his birthday gifts from Gramma Ginny and Papa Mike.
Tractor quilt Gramma Ginny made! Miles LOVES his tractor blanket - he always wants to point to every tractor and tell everybody.
Miles pedal tractor from Grandma and Papa Simonsen! He can't quite reach the pedals on both sides, but loves to push around on it instead. He calls it his Papa Tractor.
This year my parents decided to celebrate Miles' and I birthdays together since we both have already had our “first” birthday party on our own. We both received many cool toys and clothes from our family and friends. It was a lot of fun to spend a day with all my family and friends.

Miles' first movie - Toy Story 3

Miles and Daddy right before we left for the movies!
June 18th, a big day for Dad because it was his birthday, me because I finally got a big girl bed (see journal entry below) and Miles because it was his very first time to go to the movies. It was Toy Story 3, a great movie. Miles even wore his Woody t-shirt. I got scared a couple of times, but Daddy protected me. Miles did okay for a good portion of the movie, but Mom had to take him out a couple of times to run around in the hallway. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you go.

The day has come....

My new room!
A very happy little - excuse me - big girl!
Mom and Dad surprised me when I came home from daycare on Friday, June 18th (Dad's birthday). I went to my room and I now have A BIG GIRL BED! That day I didn't even fight Mom when she told me I had to lay down for a nap/rest time.

Twins game at the new Target Field!

Checking out Target Field!
Miles and Daddy - two happy people!
On Thursday, June 17th (day before my daddy's birthday) we as a family went to watch the Minnesota Twins vs. Colorado Rockies. Even though the Twins lost, it was still a good time.
Target Field is awesome. We sat in the family section, way, way, way up high, but they were still good seats AND we were under the canopy - out of the sun. It was really hot and humid that day.